file under: wonderful gift recently received::::glass whale photographed flashily on my desk file under: a new place created:::::hauled up a creaky card table from basement and now it is a new craft corner
file under: a new place where words go:::::writing/time experiment is over and now i have two new notebooks for to be filled with wordy things
file under: celebration clothes of spring:::::appliqued some owls on a t-shirt for finn (thanks wendy for the awesome brown owl); finished the previously-blogged t-shirt pants and now they are called dino pants! (in the corner of this photo you can also glimpse the dress i made for myself)
file under: thing made for a loved baby turning one:::::::made this blue teepee (with little owl guarding the doorway!) for theo's first birthday-----it was from a pattern by 'maw-bell' that i got from home ec
and here's theo & finn hanging out for a bit in front of teepee (and as seems to be the case with first birthdays, poor theo was having a rough time of it)