F Story ending with sunrise.Finn certainly did learn to write an F this weekend--monumental! He learned to on the box of Halloween ghosties and pumpkin lights and other decorations that we were, sadly, putting away. Then he did Fs all over the place! He was f-in the place up. We went for a walk around the block, and he carried a piece of chalk and drew an F every 10 feet.
After the F moment, other things also happened. Scootering. The purchasing of blue lights, the hanging up of them, the witnessing of their circle shadows. The picking out of some new toys after a whole lot of cooperating. Also, the stickering of cooperation charts. The watching of the Muppet Show. The painting of a good dream and a bad dream (both dreams containing a dragon and a hammer; in the bad dream, the dragon is getting you, in the good dream it is saving you). The setting of the sun.
This morning we were up early (saving daylight), and as we plunked on the porchswing to watch the sunrise, in a cool reversal, Finn said, I miss the night, wanna go get the night back. Instead, we wrote. This is the new thing we do, I declare, as of today. I am trying to capitalize on the fact that I tried to explain to Finn that I'm a writer this weekend, and ever since then he says that he is too. So us writers, we get up at 6, and from 6 to 7 is sacred writing/drawing/thinking time. Every 10 minutes we are allowed to show each other our drawings/writings, but otherwise we are quiet and focused on our work. It was spontaneous this morning--but it worked out in a really nice way. And so now I declare it, right here, and hope it will continue to work. Come on, luck plus will-- !