this whitman poem is alongside me during my changes of this week. . .i think i will have students read it--
this house with toys strewn about and afternoon sunlight is also often alongside me (or am i in it?)--
this little miss E recently turned 2, sassafrassy, reminding me how things keep changing changing--
and my little boy turned 2, as you know, and this notebook was a gift for him--but his mama has hijacked it as her 6 am journal notebook--however finnegan hinmself did paint the cover-- (and don't worry he has another one)--
oh right yeah and started teaching again, yikes, 8 am classes--but good and satisfying for the rhythm/ productivity feel it brings--
a little cosmic whale made for the aforementioned miss E (she loves whales and i can't say as i didn't jump at that, when i heard that i mean)----
some back-to-school apple-zucchini muffins--
and this huge change, my boy going to daycare twice a week for eight hours each day! indeed i feel alternately ecstatic (8? count them 8? hours all to myself on fridays???whoo--eeee so what if i'm grading papers etc. during that time?? 8 hours!) mixed with a mama-melancholy that goes like this--( 8 hours?? finn: 8 whole hours of finn's life that i won't know about?? ouch ouch!! an ache in arms/ heart/ brain) but never mind all that--he does love it so far--when i picked him up yesterday i was informed that finn is a "professional kid" in that he played all day, ate good lunch, even pee-ed on the potty, played played played and napped (what the??)--
and a final change of the coming-into-being sort--my friend katie's new baby, baby dai! hi dai and yay for you, new being. and this is a picture of the moth that i made for dai, that i for some reason immediately wanted to make for him as soon as i heard that he'd been born--
changes changes and changes and new beings and it is only late summer--hello, apples-
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