example of a list you might see here (33 for nearing the end of my 33rd year)
1 write a poem
2 apply to jobs for summer
3 go on an artist date
4 playdate or just hang out
5 finish f's quilt
6 write a children's book with l.
7 bake bread and quiche
8 walk or dance ASAP
9 shake and silence (yoga on thursdays)
10 write letters to friends
11 blog
12 write a list
13 write a poem every tuesday like m.
14 write a song every friday okay
15 begin collecting poems for children's book anthology
16 make children's album actually too
17 record things on my hand-held recorder
18 get some new books and music
19 organize everything for all classes that i teach (3 this semester)
20 make finn a happy corner and train pants
21 make sure everyone i love knows i love them and value them
22 find whale poster and miro poster (blue whale jumping out of water and miro’s blue i-iii)
23 paint with watercolors and then little line drawings on outside
24 finish & send thank you cards from the holidays
25 write out affirmations and quotes beautifully, and hang them on the wall
26 swim with f
27 find new pants
28 walk quinn all the time and love
29 finish all the books i’m reading it’s annoying to read things for so long
30 send out poetry manscript and hard earned cash to first book contests
31 finish cover letter for the full-time teaching job i’m applying for
32 finish c.v. too, boo
33 finish knitting projects and other lovely things for all the new friend-babies and cousin-babies on the (soon!) way