Friday, January 28, 2011

from here it looks like this

dear friends, this is what it looks like these days all around my desk, which is in the upstairs bedroom now, which is my room (now). kind of self-helpy i guess. but, i like it here. i painted that "happy" on those cool little tiny canvasses, intending to make a happy calm-down-and-feel-good corner for finn in his room (also hoping to make a beanbag for that calm down corner) but well for now i have hijacked that happy and stuck it above my window, inviting some in, perhaps. otherwise these days i am trying to be okay with the unknown, with living in the unknown, more okay with it than i've ever been before, trying to kiss that unknown which is, in fact, unknowable. hee hee!

finn keeps talking about going to the seashore. i agree with that, i tell him. so, if anybody's got an ocean for me, send it over. yrs & kindly, a blue whale

1 comment:

  1. one of my self-helpy lists posted nearby, originally a list of things i feel forbidden: yoga, long walks, a whole day reading, a whole day writing, a new laptop, a slightly bigger home, swimming, wine, long hot baths, look good, be alone.

