finn's third birthday: he has an ear infection, conjuctivitis, and a chocolate catfaced cake.i, his mother, have stayed up late working on haikus for the poetry group i recently joined which meets tomorrow:::::::::::::::;;
birthday in dreamtime 1
face of an old tree is the rain
separating strands of the moon
into what happens
birthday in dreamtime 2
down from the moon comes a baby ladder
it is the mother of our boat
our boat is all we have and it has a ladder also
dangling from its bottom like a root
(it is seeking as it dangles down, to touch a whale)
birthday/dreamtime 3
I was a calf, a baby whale, and a foal
and you were my mother
searching for me with your face and licking me clean
roots dangling from your tongue and teeth
everywhere the smell of earth everywhere
mushrooms popping up in the corners of your mouth
birthday/dreamtime 4
I am in the boat with my imagination, courage, and breath
you are one person I love and when I make a noise to greet you
it is the deep noise of whales
birthday in dreamtime 5
now there's a ladder, strong and invisible, from the boat to the sycamore
from the sycamore to me
I want to be within this changing meaning changing
birthdaydreamtime 6ish
does a thought itself have thoughts?
frozen pea on the floor,
I should be so full of love.
I should be so full of love
who have been made free by the sun and the moon and the clearness between
Blue these are great! I love getting to read your new poems, or notes toward, every day. I am lucky. Happy birthday to Finn! Feel beter.