boy in the rain, baby purple finch about to leave the nest, catalpa tree & blossoms, boy in the rain--
also as you can see in this post i am showing you some of our new spots! new places where finn & i (and sometimes others) have been writing, reading, sleeping,playing music, making lists, and hanging out. sometimes it seems that i am taking pictures of my writing spots more than i am actually writing, though. i think this summer self-ed plan might be too ambitious. my friend lauren suggested that i just try to do one of the things on this list, to make sure i can get it done, and thus to not get angry with myself for feeling i cannot do anything, like can't even read one single book! we are human beings not human doings, lauren says, human beings not human doings---
the page "how to be happy" is photographed from the book "Living Simply with Children" which is a book i have been skimming through, and which i like for clarity of statements like this: "happiness comes from close relationships with family, strong ties with your community, and a feeling of making a difference" /////but beware that the tone in the book is sometimes rather righteous; there seems to be an assumption on the part of the author that her audience has all swallowed american materialistic values hook, line, and sinker. and to that i say whaat! i have always been awesome even before i had a kid! i have never much cared for money but i still need to figure out how to be happy don't i!!