oh, these little people, looking rather like elves as they climb in a tree insisting it's their "house" and holding hands for a well-photographed heart-melting bit down the path in the woods, and throwing pinecones in the lake, getting muddy, throwing their tantrums too of course (that's the un-photographed bit--doesn't usually show up on blogs! see that happy refreshed looking boy? the night before this traipse in the woods he had an hour-long midnight temper tantrum, who knows why, and continues to have them now, through awake and not awake hours, i guess the terrible twos they call them?? i know, i know, it's developmental. . . .still come on finn we do have to put your pants on if you want to go to the library! ((etc)))
i was excited to go to the woods on this day with such company--shana and adelaide and finn--and i must say i am doing all these fall things early in my excitement!! i was remembering last year when we walked in the yellow-leaved woods of this same place, squire point. but, it's a little early yet for leaf-changing; still it was so beatiful in the last greens of summer, on a 70 degree day. and i am still making pumpkin muffins and some butternut squash soup this weekend. i want to! for i love the autumn! and i will go apple picking too, and make applesauce, if i have to squeeze it out of my eyes, with cinnamon and toasted nuts and footie pjs and all the good autumn things, so!!
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