Thursday, October 15, 2009

owls and a new way of kissing and new shoes

bats and owls; owls and bats///to bless our porch so the great witch of the moon might kiss us! owly lovey in process;;;; i wanted to have it done for when finn moved into his own room;;; and yet and yet he's been in that room 2 weeks now!

owl hat still at the very beginning;;;;;

finn loves to kiss open-mouthedly always says ''aaah" as he does it. . .

found some "new" fall shoes for mama and baby at kidworks

scatterings and swirlings (small things/ october)

thank you cards from an august birthday not yet sent; assignments in corner not yet graded;;;; how one recent weekend was spent;;;;;; (feeling sorry for myself amn't i?)
new afghan! found at the flea market in what cheer, iowa;;;;


iowa river swirling;;;;;

lately, finnegan in autumn (and walking!) (then running!)

dear loves, here's what is lately up with us:: so much! too much! time is too skinny it needs to get fatter!! don't you agree? are you also drowning under grading or dishes or needing the sky? hee hee. it's fun! look finn is running! and here he is saying vhhrroom ooom jjjjhhh about the pig

here he does a similar thing (at the library i should mention)

here he eats an apple by the iowa river; a few weeks ago we morningsnows went on a beautiful 3 hour walk in the crisp fall afternoon on a tuesday i think and all over iowa city. . .the graveyard. . .the river. . .speaking of elusive futures and big changes---

here he is at the playground in the ped mall----

lately, scribbling here and there/ in-betweenings/ brain-boxings

the mother walrus back to apple

Have you cocked

grief-laugh by grief-laugh

cups of anti-matter
