Tuesday, October 26, 2010

heres and theres of our october

shaving with papa:::

plan-pile for a shirt for f!:::

the very rudimentary beginnings of a love-quilt:::;

hey those little dreams do come true:: finally made this quilt-strip pillow (pattern is from "Handmade Home") for help with finn's no-more-milky (or was it to help me?)::::

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::finn with uncles and papa and jack-o-lantern

kitchen window, green tomatoes (eventually made into fried green tomatoes by p.)::::::::

happy street name in my neighborhood:::::::

where the sidewalk ends is actually several places in my neighborhood! (the sidewalk just mysteriously disappears in the grass)

1 comment:

  1. so love the shaving pic and your pillow and your quilt beginnings!

