there is much to do,
and busy-ness seems to blur all action,
to blur life as we live it!
i know you feel it too.
the shapes of our days
are changing a bit--
it's october, the sun sets sooner,
there's orangey light around.
my ideas for my self are always the same:
self, i say, self, you need:
1. good sleep
2. to exercise the demons out
3. to write
also to love, find purposes, all that.
to sing to my boy, to learn his new ways of playing.
for did i mention: everything is new with him!
he is talking all kinds of talk,
he is throwing all sorts of fits,
he is helping his doll-babies go potty
and giving them stickers (just as we do
for him)--
he is loving a book called "billywise"
about an owlet learning to be brave enough
to jump from the tree and fly--
he is helpful and shreds the lettuce for taco night.
how can i pay attention to everything all at once?
this week, wild, p. & i went to madison: the kiddo stayed home with the sitter! my first night ever away from him!
we saw the national, who have been mentioned on this blog before, at the orpheum theater in madison. i realized driving up there that it was the same place i saw ani difranco when i was 18 or 19. i mean like you know 15 years ago or something.
anyway, onto other random bits of the past week or so:
the sun shining on a lake in madison, from car window:
some slender flowers off the path in hickory hill park:
finn looks at a creek in hickory hill:
i bought a yard of this awesome tree fabric:
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