it has been a good week; it has been a good day! i have been feeling what i can only term delight! (alongside normal exhaustion, work, etc.) also the light has been beautiful, and i keep trying to catch it--in our backyard at sunset, or today at sunset in hickory hill park--
in this photo, notice how finn plays "fetch" alongside q-dog:
finn discovered this newly-mown path in hickory hill; we were both in love with that sublime delicious green hill, but it was barbed-wired off:
monster cat likes to hang out in the middle of the street and then i try to teach finn not to run in the street but of course his favorite thing is to chase monster saying mo'ster! mo'ster!
this was the closest i came to really really catching the october light i love, but i'm not satisfied:
don't you feel tired looking at the running boy? here are some calm toddler-less pictures, still trying to eat light-----
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