Sunday, December 27, 2009

recent life: found a poem i love called "Owl's Song"/ made a list of things i want to do

Owl's Song
(Ted Hughes)

He sang
how the swan blanched forever
How the wolf threw away its telltale heart
And the stars dropped their pretence
The air gave up appearances
Water went deliberately numb
The rock surrendered its last hope
And cold died beyond knowledge

He sang
How everything had nothing more to lose

Then sat still with fear

Seeing the clawtrack of star
Hearing the wingbeat of rock

And his own singing


list of things/ideas i want to do(december 27 2009)

stitch lines from dreams into fabric often
draw or paint pictures in my book and write poems next to the drawings
feel as free as possible and let my imagination feel that way too
write my book: of love i should be so full/ book of birth
(it is called that so continue to let it be called that)
draw or make anything i wish
make sonnet quilts (14 lines down and 7 words across?)
have several everyday tasks: for example, everyday sew one word on the sonnet quilt
sew words, in general
again, make dream quilts
make word decorations for rooms
make songs

