Friday, August 17, 2012

breaking news : humility, space, glue, clouds over lakes

humility in space story
finn and i made woods for ellie last week: glue and fabric.

this is our new house, a big solid space-house:
as i mentioned i might do, i started a grateful notebook:
hung things in new rooms:
and i felt the sudden sense that humility was, and always had been, like a wind breaking across your face and especially your mouth as you are trying really hard to breathe in and not lose saliva (and i liked it, if i could only invite it)::
there have been walks around grey's lake, a good walking place, look at those clouds, look at that boy:
double seahorse still life in new bedroom:
owl, curtain:
space! have i mentioned it?i do have a new attic room for to write in and listen to records in and play guitar in and hang up yoko ono posters, in!:::::::;
here is where i was beginning to get the attic studio ready (a before picture):
oh, here are the animals that play in the woods we made for ellie, finn + glue and voila:
space! humility! the acts of teaching and writing and being! all, as usual, on my mind (this is the after):::

1 comment:

  1. That attic space! Yes! I hope it brings you good luck. Maybe that is what I need, space. . . .

